Experiential Sessions include the whole being in the healing process. Various mind-body exercises and modalities are offered to support physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Experiential Sessions focus on integrating the rhythm and the connection between our body and our psyche. Psyche meaning our soul, mind, or spirit.
Experiential Sessions may include a combination of the following approaches based on your interest and the assessment of your needs: meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery, breath awareness exercises, personalized supportive yoga, and embodied creativity experientials.

Some positive effects connected with experiential sessions may include:
- Increased self-awareness and self-confidence
- Improved attunement to the rhythms of one's own body
- Increased sense of present moment awareness
- Increased willingness to engage and connect with others
- Reduced symptoms of stress and increased sense of self-regulation
- Increased ability to feeling open, curious, and creative